Tag Archives: Zombies

Heroes and Villains invaded San Jose for another year of adventuring!

10 Dec

For our 3rd year, we ventured over the hill from the Central Valley to hang out with some heroes and villains, and zombies too!, in San Jose. This was sort of a last minute venture due to availability issues with minions, but in the end we made plans and set out to see what there was to see.

As I write up the event and my thoughts, I am starting to think there should be classes on convention etiquette because there were several moments that were frustrating. However, there were also a lot of really good things. Did it balance out? I’m not sure… let’s talk about some of the highlights and issues and see. Continue reading

Dusting Off The Shelf: Letter W

3 Jul

Finally back… I’m losing steam on this as we get to end of the alphabet but I AM GOING TO FINISH! For W I finally sat down to watch Warm Bodies which has sat on my shelf since it came out years ago.

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Dusting Off The Shelf: Letter N

4 Apr

As much as I am a closet sap and enjoy a weepfest, the last two films covered that for a bit, I think. So in choosing this weeks title from my backlog of films I felt it was important to take this into account… obviously, this means zombies. Right? It’s obvious. This week I dug up a recent entry into my B movie collection- Navy Seals vs Zombies!

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is exactly what it should be

14 Feb

To begin, Jane Austen’s literary classic, “Pride & Prejudice”, is one of my favorite books and stories. And honestly, the 90’s BBC/A&E production with Colin Firth is the film adaptation. (Do not try and convince me that the 2005 with Kiera Knightly is better- you are plain wrong, get over it) So of course I was cautious when a few years ago a book came out rehashing the story, but with zombies.


Here’s the rub though- it was brilliant. Continue reading

Comic-Caps: The Walking Dead #19-24

22 Jul


Robert Kirkman – Creator, Writer, Letterer
Charlie Adlard – Penciler, Inker and gray tones
Cliff Rathburn – Gray tones

Previously on The Walking Dead
Upon finding the prison Rick thinks his luck has turned. It hasn’t. Hershel’s and his family join Rick at the prison and most are soon killed by an inmate and during a zombie attack on the Prison 2 of the remaining prisoners stage a coup and with a gun to his head Rick must make the ultimate decision.

Chapter 4: The Heart’s Desire (#19-24) Continue reading

Comic-Caps: The Walking Dead #13-18

16 Jun


Robert Kirkman – Creator, Writer, Letterer
Tony Moore – Penciler, Inker and gray tones
Cliff Rathburn – Gray tones

Previously on The Walking Dead
Leaving the camp site the group pick up a few new friends and find an abandoned gated community which is not so abandoned and results in the death of Donna. On the road they go hunting a Carl is shot accidentally but survives and is patched up by Hershel. Ricks actions inadvertently cause half of Hershel’s family to be killed, after being kicked off the farm Rick and his group discover a prison.

Chapter 3: Safety Behind Bars (#13-18) Continue reading

Comic-Caps: The Walking Dead #7-12

31 May


Robert Kirkman – Creator, Writer, Letterer
Tony Moore – Penciler, Inker and gray tones
Cliff Rathburn – Gray tones

Previously on The Walking Dead
Office Rick Grimes is shot in the line of duty and reawakens from a coma months later only to find the world is filled with the living dead. Rick goes to Atlanta to find his wife and son, he does and is also reunited with his partner Shane (who banged his wife). Shane is angry Rick is back because he wants Rick’s wife to himself and tries to kill him but before he does, Ricks son Carl shoots Shane. Lots of people also get eaten by zombies.

Chapter 2: Miles Behind Us (#7-12) Continue reading

Comic-Caps: The Walking Dead #1-6

17 May


Robert Kirkman – Creator, Writer, Letterer
Tony Moore – Penciler, Inker and gray tones
Cliff Rathburn – Gray tones

Chapter 1: Days Gone Bye (#1-6) Continue reading

Stan Lee touched me; and other Comikaze anecdotes

20 Sep

Out of the chaos, we emerge exhausted & broke, but having had a good time with great experiences, we arrive home satisfied. Here’s how it played out:

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Why so sexy mister undead man?

26 Jun

Seriously… why are we so drawn to vampires? And now zombies- OK, maybe we aren’t attracted to zombies, but we are drawn to them (and no, please don’t start a conversation about bath salts here). And werewolves- OK, technically not undead but… OMG! what draws us to these creatures of the supernatural?

I really want to know.  Continue reading