Tag Archives: James Marsters

A Couple Rambley Thoughts on Buffy’s 25th

12 Mar

So I wanted to say a few things about Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s recent 25th anniversary (holy crap, 25?!?)…

Guest Post~ Second Hand Nerd

21 Apr

Barbara is back with another post about raising nerdy kids, though she leaves out that Grandpa Alan raised her the same way, with books and science and stories available on TV & films. Different generations.


I am a second hand nerd.

I deliberately exposed my two kids (now adults) to comic books, science fiction on TV and in the movies as well as at the library, conventions (comic book and/or sci-fi) , made them super-hero capes and sometimes even discussed what would have happened if Leia and Luke weren’t brother and sister (eww, gross Mom) or if Leia had been the one trained by Obi Wan Kenobi.

At the time I thought I was keeping them entertained. I certainly did not expect it to effect the rest of their lives. I assumed they would outgrow their super heroes and Star Wars action figures.

They didn’t.

They play Pokemon. They’re sort of competitive and sort of cooperative. They have fun going on ”raids” or whatever they’re called. (Mind you they are grown adults with jobs.) They go to action movies and drag/take me along. Sunday of opening week. And my daughter, the proud keeper of this blog, takes me to cons where I get kissed by TV villains.

And then there are their T-shirts. Many of which I bought them. I need say no more as anyone who reads this blog has a closet full, too.

To top it all off they’re nice people. They work hard and take care of homes and pets and breakable mothers and are polite, up to date on the state of the world, altogether “normal”. Except that they still go to cons, collect comics (not so much since the flurry of re-boots.), actively discuss tv shows, upcoming DC and Marvel films and Pokemon daily. And they include me. I’m actually supposed to have an opinion. It’s wrong, of course, but they do listen to it first.

And I enjoy it. I protest , as a responsible adult should, that collecting bobble heads, spending Saturdays hunting made up monsters/creatures and passionately debating the characterization of Shazam vs. whoever is not worthy of them. Again, I’m wrong. I led them up this path and it gives them pleasure. They adult perfectly well so why not?

As for their including me, thank you. Our relationship has changed from parent to friend and I am so lucky.

Did you know?

19 Jan

OK, I’m going to be really honest… wordpress just ate the post I’ve been working on for the last two hours. So while I go cry in my spiked coffee, I need to post something! So here are two playlists that you may or may not know about. Continue reading

SDCC- Buffy 20 years panel pt 2

2 Jan

To start 2013 out right…

Here’s the second and final piece of the Buffy panel. This concludes the coverage of SDCC 2012.


Video filmed by James Kus

SDCC- Buffy 20 years panel pt 1

27 Dec

Here is the first part of the only other panel I recorded at SDCC 2012– the Buffy’s 20 panel! Look for the second part soon!


Video provided by James Kus

It’s a NerdLush Christmas party!

25 Dec

Wishing all of you a merry Christmas!  Continue reading

Nerdplosion episode 5~ the link!

24 Jul

Eh, this is a short one to share- if you haven’t already seen- that my SDCC post written for Action Chick went up recently- wherein I lament the lines, avoid Con Crud, and share what it’s like to attend (for those who’ve never been). Not much else to share in regards to this… I think that this finishes up the SDCC craziness for another year and thus you may now return to regularly scheduled lives. I hope you’ve enjoyed the tidbits and info as much as we here at NerdLush have enjoyed putting stuff together for you!

Post of EPICNESS… or how I spent my SDCC 2012 vacation

18 Jul

I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out what to write for Action Chick’s site in regards to SDCC 2012 because I was there as a representative of sorts for her site. Unfortunately, within hours of heading south, every interview we had scheduled ended up not being a GO. This was fine- it opened up my schedule immensely! But on the other hand… it would’ve been a lot easier to write up some interviews and feel like I earned my keep than to try to write up TWO experience posts. I mean- I had  to write something for my own site, right?

I’ve already thanked Stewart, but once more won’t hurt- Thanks. 🙂 He did a great job of collecting the key points and putting them together in daily posts. Heck! I was onsite and he had some info that I didn’t know. As I’d mentioned before I made the pilgrimage, I wasn’t sure what the internet situation would be during the week- so it was nice to know that someone was minding the site. 🙂 Continue reading

Seriously, I Love You But Half Your Movies Suck

30 Jun

So… I’m the kind of person who discovers an actor by catching them in something and then follows them through everything else they’ve done. When I used to work for Blockbuster 15 years ago, my video (eventually DVD) collection grew by leaps and bounds because I could order stuff I wanted for cheap. I used to own every Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise movie ever made. (I stopped even seeing Tom’s stuff when he went nuts a few years ago) Now I have my Hugh Jackman collection. Which is a great way to waste a weekend, by the way. MmmmHugh.

Before I dig into these movies/actors- please note that I love each and every one of the actors. They’ve done some great stuff! And either I’ve met them and they are good people or someone I love has and has informed me they are. So let it be known that I am not making digs on them… I am merely examining that they have not always done the best films/projects. But as my beloved John Barrowman says about the delightful and awful, Shark Attack 3,- he did it for the money. So I assume… they did as well. And that’s just fine. 🙂 (ps… John’s famous line… NSFW)

Continue reading

Why so sexy mister undead man?

26 Jun

Seriously… why are we so drawn to vampires? And now zombies- OK, maybe we aren’t attracted to zombies, but we are drawn to them (and no, please don’t start a conversation about bath salts here). And werewolves- OK, technically not undead but… OMG! what draws us to these creatures of the supernatural?

I really want to know.  Continue reading