Reading is Fundamental

10 Dec

When I was a kid there was a wall in my bedroom covered in shelves that were covered in books. I have a perfect memory of one of my high school friends seeing it and being shocked, asking me if I had read all of them.

Yes. Yes, I had.

I was a voracious reader when I was younger. My mother encouraged us to read. My brother and I even took books to outings so we could read instead of playing or causing trouble. This may be why I have so much irritation when I go out and see kids running in restaurants or throwing tantrums because of boredom (kids need to be kids, yes, but they also need to learn proper behavior and limitations- I don’t need more future clients).

Anyways- I used to read. A lot.

But when I went to my first grad program there was so much to do and it became difficult. I did a second grad program and spent time working on my license. Studying studying studying. Suddenly I hated reading. The idea of touching my TBR (to be read) pile made me nauseous.

That’s all done now.

And I still wasn’t able to pick up a book.

But in 2023 I got a bug up my butt to change that. The challenge to start was overwhelming and it took my almost half a year to sort through options. I realized I have a two hour commute each day to/from work. I spent 2022 listening to a podcast. And back when I was studying for my license, I listening to audio materials and recordings of myself reading the study materials. So I realized that audiobooks were probably the best option for me.

Reaching out to some friends led me to the Libby App for the library.

I cannot recommend this option enough. I have “read” multiple books- including the great joy of yelling at characters when they do stupid stuff. Which is probably healthier for me than being stressed by the bad drivers around me.

I have been posting about the books on my Instagram, though I doubt many follow. Though you should, because I am starting up a #BookRecBookClub and would love to have more people participate.

One thing I have noticed is that my typical genre has changed. I used to read mystery and supernatural type books, generally. I also enjoyed science fiction, a lot. Even the occasional horror. Those were my go to and honestly the only sections I would stalk in the bookstores. These days I find myself gravitating to romance. Never my go to. I always considered it to be shlock and ridiculous.

But they tend to be lighter and easier reads- which is about all I can handle these days. But I can handle them.

A wonderful side effect of my audiobooks has been my ability to pick up and read an actual, paper book has returned. Slowly. But I am taking books with me to events again and reading.

I’m reading!

I know there are people in the world who understand all of this… There’s hope!

I plan to share more about my Book Club and some of the books in other posts. Stick around.

What do you think?