Tag Archives: Nerdtastic Ramblings

I believe a man can fly… but why?

29 Dec

What is it that draws fans to Superman? The character, and several related TV shows/movies, are what I would consider “comfort food”. When I was sick not too long ago, and stuck at home- able to watch anything – I put on Smallville and got lost in the healing powers of Clark Kent. Though I am still irritated that I spent 10- years waiting for a man to change clothes…

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Reading is Fundamental

10 Dec

When I was a kid there was a wall in my bedroom covered in shelves that were covered in books. I have a perfect memory of one of my high school friends seeing it and being shocked, asking me if I had read all of them.

Yes. Yes, I had.

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I finally caught up on SOMETHING!

14 Mar

For most of the pandemic I have completely failed to maintain my TV viewing habits. I haven’t watched any of the “Arrowverse” shows that ended during it- their final seasons sit in limbo on my DVR waiting for me.

But I have tried to be present for Superman & Lois.

I have failed. But I did try.

It was important to me because I love the characters of Superman and Clark Kent. Christopher Reeve made me believe a man could fly. I have also always loved Lois Lane. Taught me, from a young age, that women didn’t have to just sit and wait; Lois has always played by her own drums. Chasing a story, no matter the risk. But the result was worth it.

Also, I liked the idea of seeing them in a different role- parents.

So when the show premiered in 2021 I was all in.

It helped that Tyler Hoechlin was playing the role and we all know that I have a little obsession with his eyebrows.

Anyways… fast forward to season 2 (2022) of the series and the week of the second episode I had a conflict and never caught up! I missed the entirety of the season because it was just too much to catch up that one episode (I know Stewart is shaking his head at me but… it was too much!). But over the last two weeks, I have forced myself to catch up on the entire series in order to be ready for the premiere.

And I am ready to go! Wanted to share a few random thoughts I had while re-watching seasons 1 and 2… assume spoilers, fyi:

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I still believe a man can fly…

21 Dec

So… I am going to say something that might be considered controversial… Henry Cavill has never played Superman.

And he is not my generations Superman. I lean towards Christopher Reeve or Tom Welling for that title.

However I believe that Henry could do an excellent job if given the chance and thus was looking forward to the announcement in October that he was coming back to the role. I would love to see him be given a Superman script and see him breathe life into it.

Thus it was disappointing last week to hear that he was once again out of the role.

Let me go back a little and explain myself. Zack Snyder has never written a Superman script (and he should never touch anything comic book related. Fight me). He wrote summer blockbusters. And as such, they were fine. Heck, I am watching Man of Steel with a therapy group right now and they love it. None of them have ever read a comic book (prison inmates… most of them believe that their reputation was more important than doing something “silly” when they were kids). I am dying during the group, keeping busy with paperwork. But they love it. That’s the blockbuster aspect. But soon the movie will be over and we’ll talk about why it’s not a Superman story… Sups can’t kill being the biggest thing- that makes him no better than humans and he has to be what we strive for or there’s no point in him being our hero. Even the guys get that.

Don’t get me wrong- I adore James Gunn and I am excited to see what he and Peter Safran have in mind for the DCU.

But I think it was pretty shitty of Warner Brothers/DC to allow the Henry Cavill announcement and then days later announce new heads to the DCU, who seem to cleaning house to develop a solid base for DC. Now that Cavill is out, though, what does that mean for Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Zack Levi and even Dwayne Johnson? Well… as of yesterday Dwayne is out, or at least on hold.

What I want is solid scripts and direction. But the casts have been very well done (minus that first Suicide Squad film that we won’t talk about). I want that Batgirl movie.

And I want to see Henry Cavill play Superman.

I spent some time Inside of You

29 Aug

So… I am not a fan of podcasts. I know. You are wondering how that could be. But honestly, it’s the talking heads things… it bores me. Doesn’t matter the topic. It’s why I have trouble listening to talk radio/NPR. I need to be doing something. When I was forced to listen to audio recordings while studying, I did so while gardening (pulling weeds) or going for walks. Something. And yes, I know there are a lot of podcasts that you can watch on youtube etc, but it’s still boring. If I’m gonna watch something, I want it to be actiony or funny, or colorful or something! I can’t even stand watching talk shows anymore. Puts me right to sleep.

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So I finally caught up in Disney+

4 Jul

Last year some time a lovely pal gave me access to their Disney+ account and I started watching the Marvel shows. But as happens… life happened and I only got through 1 and a little more before I returned to my binges of The Simpsons and Family Guy, etc. Bless that friend for the opportunity but I needed a real kick in the pants to actually sit down and watch things. Which happened recently as I got my own account and eventually shared with my family.

So I wanted to take a few minutes to jot down my thoughts and reactions to some of the shows. Basically everything is at least 6 months (minus Obi-Wan Kenobi) old, so expect there to be spoilers within. Also, this is going to be fairly random- stream of consciousness reactions here.

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A Couple Rambley Thoughts on Buffy’s 25th

12 Mar

So I wanted to say a few things about Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s recent 25th anniversary (holy crap, 25?!?)…

Restarting The Writing Engine

15 Jul

Stewart here…

Wow. Very weird writing that again for this blog, but yet I’m here doing it. This post is both an apology and a slight exploration of why I stopped posting here for a while last year and until now. Like a lot of you, 2020 sucker punched me hard. I’ve never been what you would call a extroverted kind of guy, so the idea of having to stay in more than usual didn’t bother me. But what happened was something worse: my need to write became harder. Continue reading


Time for a ramble…

19 Jun

OK, So I said we were back before but apparently I fibbed. Here’s a ramble from me explaining and hoping you’re all still here hanging out with us. And maybe you wanna join the crew…

A Quick Rambling- HELD

14 Apr

The first thing I need to say is this- I am damn proud of you, Jill. So… this whole post may be a little biased because Ms. Jill Awbrey is my favorite daughter, friend, and the little sis I never had. Damn proud of you, kid.

Now that that’s out of the way, I hate spoilers Continue reading