Tag Archives: Clark Kent

I finally caught up on SOMETHING!

14 Mar

For most of the pandemic I have completely failed to maintain my TV viewing habits. I haven’t watched any of the “Arrowverse” shows that ended during it- their final seasons sit in limbo on my DVR waiting for me.

But I have tried to be present for Superman & Lois.

I have failed. But I did try.

It was important to me because I love the characters of Superman and Clark Kent. Christopher Reeve made me believe a man could fly. I have also always loved Lois Lane. Taught me, from a young age, that women didn’t have to just sit and wait; Lois has always played by her own drums. Chasing a story, no matter the risk. But the result was worth it.

Also, I liked the idea of seeing them in a different role- parents.

So when the show premiered in 2021 I was all in.

It helped that Tyler Hoechlin was playing the role and we all know that I have a little obsession with his eyebrows.

Anyways… fast forward to season 2 (2022) of the series and the week of the second episode I had a conflict and never caught up! I missed the entirety of the season because it was just too much to catch up that one episode (I know Stewart is shaking his head at me but… it was too much!). But over the last two weeks, I have forced myself to catch up on the entire series in order to be ready for the premiere.

And I am ready to go! Wanted to share a few random thoughts I had while re-watching seasons 1 and 2… assume spoilers, fyi:

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Smallville is still my happy place

18 Nov

Recently, Smallville celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. I was inspired to spend that weekend (one where I happened to be under the weather) vegging on the couch rewatching the series. I initially decided that I would jump around, skipping episodes, but then I got caught in a season I hadn’t watched in a long time and it’s been a full binge ever since. Let’s just assume there be spoilers here for anyone who hasn’t watched the series… Continue reading

I have to confess…

24 Mar

I have a confession. It isn’t going to be news if you follow us on Twitter but… I have an obsession with Tyler Hoechlin’s eyebrows.

They communicate. They express everything… I am desperate to learn their language and be one with the brows. Continue reading


17 Jan

Welcome back from the holiday break, and welcome back to the second half of our recaps of Crisis on Infinite Earths! Before we close off this big crossover event, let’s just remind ourselves what happened last time, because it’s quite a bit. The Monitor assembles a team of heroes to combat the universe(s) destroying threat of the Anti-Monitor, and it goes…not so well. Oliver Queen gets killed off early, but may serve a bigger purpose in the fight yet to come, as something else. And as worlds are destroyed, our heroes fight to save the multiverse. Unfortunately for them, the last of their Earths are wiped away, and our core group of heroes find themselves whisked away to the Vanishing Point, a space outside of the universe where they are safe. That core group being: The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, White Canary, scientist Ryan Choi, Martian Manhunter, and…Lex Luthor? Just how do these seven even succeed at restoring EVERYTHING they’ve lost? And what is the dead Oliver Queen’s role in all of this? Continue reading


13 Dec

Welcome to the first of our special Recap Round-Ups on Crisis on Infinite Earths! There’s gonna be a lot of ground to cover, lots of team ups, lots of cameos, lots of surprises, and lots of deaths to cover for this one (making up the first three parts of this epic crossover), so let’s just get the basics out of the way. For the last year or so, we’ve had appearances by an alien being known as The Monitor, warning our heroes of a threat so immense it could destroy all of the multiverse! And now, things have lined up where that threat has come.

In the build-up, the Monitor recruited Oliver Queen and his friends (even bringing his grown children, Mia and William, from the future into the present) to prepare for the eventual multidimensional fight. Barry Allen has been living with the spectre of knowing The Flash will die because of this Crisis, and been preparing for that eventuality. And now, one of the Harrison Wells of the multiverse, Nash, may have just released said threat from its prison by accident! So, now the Crisis has begun! Continue reading

DC Recap Round Up 2, Special Edition: ELSEWORLDS

13 Dec

Welcome back! While we’ll have a regular installment of this column later this week (involving Black Lightning and Legends of Tomorrow, and a catch-up on Titans), this one is a special extra long one covering The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl respectively, as we recap the crossover event, Elseworlds! So let’s just get to all the craziness… Continue reading

Television Graveyard, plot 16~ Lois & Clark

17 Oct

The early 90s attempted to reignite the love for genre TV. Two shows were already presented in this column- SeaQuest DSV & The Flash– but the primary networks had several other shows on air that they used to try to bring in the genre crowd. NBC ran a pair of dramas on Saturday night- The Pretender and Profiler– that they used to dominate the thrill/suspense group. CBS was king of the mysteries. And ABC had a tight grip on the “family” audience with their Friday night line-up of sitcoms. So they tried their darnedest to transfer that audience to a genre with the family friendly Superman series, Lois & Clark.


And it sort of worked. Continue reading

Supergirl season 1… I believe a girl can fly!

27 Aug

Not gonna lie- I started watching Supergirl when it premiered and after a few weeks it went to the DVR back burner… not because it wasn’t fun but it conflicted with another show and I’m lazy. But with the recent release of season 1 on DVD I’ve been binging.


And it has been a most pleasant binge. Continue reading


28 Jul


Stewart here…

Unlike our beloved NerdLush head honcho, I have not really discussed with you all my thoughts on Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. So let me start off my saying that BvS is not the worst movie ever made (maybe the worst comic book movie of 2016, but that’s only SO FAR…), BUT there’s way too many pacing and story issues that don’t make it good. It’s like shoving 15 pounds of stuff into a 5 pound bag and realizing some important material fell out during the bag filling. So when I heard of a longer version coming to Blu-ray, I was guardedly excited. Continue reading