Tag Archives: Mental Health

I spent some time Inside of You

29 Aug

So… I am not a fan of podcasts. I know. You are wondering how that could be. But honestly, it’s the talking heads things… it bores me. Doesn’t matter the topic. It’s why I have trouble listening to talk radio/NPR. I need to be doing something. When I was forced to listen to audio recordings while studying, I did so while gardening (pulling weeds) or going for walks. Something. And yes, I know there are a lot of podcasts that you can watch on youtube etc, but it’s still boring. If I’m gonna watch something, I want it to be actiony or funny, or colorful or something! I can’t even stand watching talk shows anymore. Puts me right to sleep.

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Smallville is still my happy place

18 Nov

Recently, Smallville celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. I was inspired to spend that weekend (one where I happened to be under the weather) vegging on the couch rewatching the series. I initially decided that I would jump around, skipping episodes, but then I got caught in a season I hadn’t watched in a long time and it’s been a full binge ever since. Let’s just assume there be spoilers here for anyone who hasn’t watched the series… Continue reading

Oh what a year it’s been! Surviving Coronapocalypse!

17 Mar

It’s been a year, right? 2020 into 2021, Coronapocolypse. Hopefully, we are finally heading out of this with people getting vaccinated and being willing to continue with precautions for the time being (I won’t comment on people who refuse to wear their masks, who choose to support businesses who refuse to follow the rules, or those who continue to think that Covid-19 is nothing- I am sure you can probably imagine my opinion). But I want to talk to you about what I have learned in the last year. Some of it is personal and some of it is stuff that I have chosen to work on in order to better myself. Continue reading

I stand with you.

12 Feb

Recently, Charisma Carpenter of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fame, amongst others, spoke out about abuse she received from Joss Whedon on the set, in particular during her pregnancy. Because I wasn’t there and don’t know the situation personally, I will only say this- I stand with Charisma.

Why? Continue reading

Goodbye my friend

29 Sep

This isn’t the kind of thing I want to be posting here but it’s my site and I can do what I want. Besides, I have been posting about selfcare this year and writing this is part of mine.

And he was a nerdy little cat.

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I watched something that made me cry and I loved every tear

6 May

Let me start off by saying that over the last few years I have become someone who prefers cartoons and comic book based programs over most anything else. Sure, I know there is a ton of amazing TV out there and I have a vague interest in a lot of it but I also work 13 hour days at a prison. I don’t want to deal with cop shows, medical dramas, or real life. I want to watch superheroes save the day. My mom calls it “popcorn for the mind” and I’m totally OK with that.

BUT… every now and then I have to broaden my horizons. Continue reading

Surviving Coronapocalypse 101

3 Apr

I have been meaning to write something for a bit but my life is fluid at the moment, up to change at all times, and that is overwhelmingly exhausting. But I think it’s important that I use the voice this page has given me (thanks for that) and present some thoughts about surviving this pandemic lockdown. Continue reading

Guest Post!!~ Attending Conventions as a Senior

18 Dec

Barbara is back to share her thoughts on attending conventions at a certain age…


When I was younger (much) I took my kids to Star Trek Conventions… little ones in neighboring towns and big ones in LA. The three of us were on our own a lot and cons were a cheap way of spending the day together, having fun mostly looking. Turns out both kids were incipient nerds and enjoyed themselves very much. He got into comic books and she got into fandom.

Now I am considerably older; with the attendant aches and pains and she takes me to the cons. Continue reading

Cinema Therapy, class is in session

29 May

So I can’t decide if this will be a semi-regular post series or just a one off but I wanted to talk about a tool I use in my work. As most followers of this site know, I work in mental health. What you may not be aware of is that I work with incarcerated men. A very interesting, and notoriously difficult, population.

Once I realized how my nerdy interest in super heroes could help me in my work with adolescent boys, I figured that it was worth a try to get a buy-in from the adults. And it worked. So I gained a bit of a rep and I’m the one the guys run up to when they want to talk comics or movies or what have you. Not only do I work with individuals but I also run therapeutic groups- more like psychoeducation groups but still, we have some awesome discussions. When I was finally at a point where I could create my own groups I decided to run “Cinema Therapy” groups. Continue reading