Tag Archives: CosPlay

Guest Post!!~ Attending Conventions as a Senior

18 Dec

Barbara is back to share her thoughts on attending conventions at a certain age…


When I was younger (much) I took my kids to Star Trek Conventions… little ones in neighboring towns and big ones in LA. The three of us were on our own a lot and cons were a cheap way of spending the day together, having fun mostly looking. Turns out both kids were incipient nerds and enjoyed themselves very much. He got into comic books and she got into fandom.

Now I am considerably older; with the attendant aches and pains and she takes me to the cons. Continue reading

Heroes and Villains invaded San Jose for another year of adventuring!

10 Dec

For our 3rd year, we ventured over the hill from the Central Valley to hang out with some heroes and villains, and zombies too!, in San Jose. This was sort of a last minute venture due to availability issues with minions, but in the end we made plans and set out to see what there was to see.

As I write up the event and my thoughts, I am starting to think there should be classes on convention etiquette because there were several moments that were frustrating. However, there were also a lot of really good things. Did it balance out? I’m not sure… let’s talk about some of the highlights and issues and see. Continue reading

LA Comic Con, oh how I’ve missed you! (or have I?)

12 Nov

After missing out on last year’s convention because my assistant decided getting paid for actual work instead of doing free convention wanderings was a better deal… well, I made a return to my convention fun. With a new assistant. Who ended up having more delightful shenanigans than I, but more on that later. Continue reading

California Republic Comic Con, bringing nerds together for a second year

16 Oct

Recently we took a jaunt north to Merced to check out the second year of California Republic Comic Con. Now, growing up in the Central Valley, we never would’ve thought we’d be heading to Merced for a comic convention… to be honest, most of the Valley just didn’t seem big enough, or nerd friendly enough, to host. But this event proved to us that today we’d be wrong.

Not a whole lot to say, as this event is small (but growing!), so let me just list out some of the good things and a few things we’d like to see improved next year.

  • excellent cosplay showing. Even that Pennywise who was following us around. Actually, especially Pennywise. But seriously, there were lots more cosplayers than we had expected- and the family cosplays were so fun!- and that was awesome! Also, we knew we were heading in the right direction as we drove to the fairgrounds because of the prolific cosplay groups- something that we usually only notice in larger cities, like LA.
  • the dealer room also was a good show. Multiple local valley comic and collectible stores, as well as numerous local artists. The room was full, but you didn’t feel cramped. (Bonus, the fans from that building at the fairgrounds worked beautifully and the room was comfortable, even though there were lots of people wandering about)
  • loved the idea of the film festival. And Laser Tag! However, we thought that maybe they should be separated next year as the few minutes of the film festival we caught were distracted by the laser tag players noise.
  • the gaming area was the saddest thing ever. To be honest, it was 4 game stations. We were impressed with the titles of the games (classics!) but really felt the room could have been better utilized if there had been some table top games available, or a few MAGIC or Pokemon games…
  • the weather was beautiful. Mid September in the Central Valley could be hot but on that weekend it was the high 80’s and sunny. Quite lovely for a little outside time. Excellent timing, CRCC.
  • food trucks!

Overall, we had a good time and would attend again. Check out the album of pics here!

Guest Post!!~ San Diego Comic Con: Nerds of a Feather Flock Together!

2 Aug

Hello fellow nerds! My name is Bethany and NerdLush recruited me to write a blog about my San Diego Comic Con experience this year. First, a little bit about myself- I am a book nerd, TV junkie, and general superhero fan. I have been attending Comic Con the last 7 years, and it’s always been an adventure. This year was no different.

Continue reading

Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo, year 5

15 Nov

One of the great things about attending all 5 years of Stan Lee’s Comikaze is that we’ve been able to observe the convention grow and change every year. This year the event grew to having two halls of LA’s Convention Center. We noted last year that it wasn’t quite big enough for us to travel for the event to attend for multiple days- we discussed on our travels home that this year, we felt it was almost a requirement ro come multiple days.

Stan_Lee's_Comikaze_Expo_logo.svg Continue reading

Wizard World Sacramento

24 Jun

The downside of hitting a convention for only one day is that the day is spent rushing around trying to see as much as possible while still enjoying it. The upside? You went to a convention- any time spent at one is a good time.


I got a last minute-ish invite to join a panel at Wizard World Sacramento and as it is only a hop and three skips north of the NerdLush HQ, I accepted. But as it is so close, it made as much sense to opt for a day trip as it did to go for the whole weekend (especially with several other things coming up quick). So Saturday morning, I hopped in Tardis Jr and ventured to nerd fun. Continue reading

WonderCon 2015- panel fun times for all!

11 Apr


WonderCon 2015 was a celebration of popular culture and nerdery. It offered fans a chance to meet creators and artists, to see props and replicas, to meet some treasured celebrities, and even to attend panels for creators, mental health considerations, and favorite TV shows or upcoming films. (Also- lots of cosplay fun)

Essentially- any bit of nerdy fun was available. Continue reading

Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo graduates to an event for all

8 Nov

Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo recently celebrated its fourth year with it’s largest event to date. The convention has grown immensely since it began in 2011- but it’s done so smartly; it doesn’t feel too big for its space or time. Over all, it was a fun filled weekend of nerdy adventuring.


I’ve attended Comikaze every year- however, this was the first year I attended all 3 days (though Friday was just a short visit to get a feel for it and pick up our passes). It was also the first year I’d participated in a panel.

But it’s not all about me- let’s talk about the guests. Continue reading

Stand up for your nerd self! Nerd Power!

26 Sep

Had to sit through a training on self care for clinicians today, i.e. how to take care of myself so that I can take care of my clients. Not a bad training, as trainings go, but personally I figured out my own self care approaches while in grad school- the first time. It did strike an idea- what are some self care ideas for my nerd peers? I mean, there are a lot of easy self care and coping skills that healthy adults use all the time, but are there any that strike me as key for ideas for nerds? Or what can be tweaked to be specific?

So I made a list Continue reading