Tag Archives: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

A Couple Rambley Thoughts on Buffy’s 25th

12 Mar

So I wanted to say a few things about Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s recent 25th anniversary (holy crap, 25?!?)…

Guest Post~ How to raise Nerds!

29 Aug

Recent guest poster, and regular NerdLush BTS researcher/archivist, Barbara is back to share her thoughts on raising nerds. And speaking as one of the nerds she raised… she knows what she is talking about.


I raised nerds. I’m not quite sure how I did it but I am quite happy with the result. Continue reading

Fandemic Tour- Sacramento, a first stop of fun

16 Jul

Recently, we had the pleasure of checking out the first stop on the Fandemic Tour, with a quick trip up to Sacramento to help inaugurate a new convention. Overall, it was quite an enjoyable convention and it is recommended to check out if a stop happens to be near you. Though as it was the first event, there are a few things that could be improved. We’ll touch on the good and bad in a bit. Continue reading

Community is what we make of it

28 Sep

We’ve talked a few times about friendships and community that come along with fandom and connecting with others. Personally, I think it’s a very important thing- being able to connect with others who enjoy the same things. For some people, those relationships can be some of the strongest in their lives (or even, the only meaningful relationships they have). Continue reading

Television Graveyard- plot 13, Birds of Prey

7 Aug

Towards the end of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the WB* attempted to keep the Girl Power strong with their network by bringing in some DC characters. After all, the WB was riding high on Smallville‘s success. They still had Charmed, but they seemed to want some ladies who kicked ass, without the cartoony silliness the Halliwell sisters sometimes got into- I don’t mock, still love Charmed!

*yes, I know that Buffy was on UPN for it’s last two years, but we all know the WB still thought of it as their baby.

What they got was thirteen episodes of what could’ve been awesome.


‘Could’ve been’ being the operative phrase. Of course, the fact that I own the DVDs also says that while the show wasn’t great, Birds of Prey was a lot of fun. And it had so much potential. Continue reading

The good, the bad, and OMGSTOPTALKING of the internet

1 May

Recently the internet was in an uproar because the east coast cried out about an event that happened on Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t watch the show myself, but I knew from opening Facebook, well before the episode aired on the west coast, what had happened.

This happens ALL THE TIME. Continue reading

WonderCon 2015- panel fun times for all!

11 Apr


WonderCon 2015 was a celebration of popular culture and nerdery. It offered fans a chance to meet creators and artists, to see props and replicas, to meet some treasured celebrities, and even to attend panels for creators, mental health considerations, and favorite TV shows or upcoming films. (Also- lots of cosplay fun)

Essentially- any bit of nerdy fun was available. Continue reading

Television Graveyard- plot 11, Charmed… still charming after all these years

27 Jan

The 90’s brought about girlpower- from Xena to Buffy to the Spice Girls. For a few years, every where you looked something was empowering young girls. This is a good thing, right?

Charmed-Wallpapers-charmed-3464996-1024-768 Continue reading

Do I hear a waltz? Track 5

24 Nov

I’m back with some new bits of music that have recently come in to my collection. And they all come from some favorite artists! Continue reading

Awkward! Don’t forget the importance of music!

12 Sep

Have you ever watched the deleted scenes on a DVD and scene your favorite characters having a conversation in a dance club? Awkward! It’s nothing but the dialogue fighting to be heard over the shuffling feet of extras pretending to look sexy while dancing with no music.

It should be pointed out that there is an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer were there is no background music- when Joyce dies- but it’s still gone through post production and had those awkward none relevant sounds removed so as not to pull focus from the rest of the emotionally driven episode. Continue reading