Archive by Author

Guest Post~ Second Hand Nerd

21 Apr

Barbara is back with another post about raising nerdy kids, though she leaves out that Grandpa Alan raised her the same way, with books and science and stories available on TV & films. Different generations.


I am a second hand nerd.

I deliberately exposed my two kids (now adults) to comic books, science fiction on TV and in the movies as well as at the library, conventions (comic book and/or sci-fi) , made them super-hero capes and sometimes even discussed what would have happened if Leia and Luke weren’t brother and sister (eww, gross Mom) or if Leia had been the one trained by Obi Wan Kenobi.

At the time I thought I was keeping them entertained. I certainly did not expect it to effect the rest of their lives. I assumed they would outgrow their super heroes and Star Wars action figures.

They didn’t.

They play Pokemon. They’re sort of competitive and sort of cooperative. They have fun going on ”raids” or whatever they’re called. (Mind you they are grown adults with jobs.) They go to action movies and drag/take me along. Sunday of opening week. And my daughter, the proud keeper of this blog, takes me to cons where I get kissed by TV villains.

And then there are their T-shirts. Many of which I bought them. I need say no more as anyone who reads this blog has a closet full, too.

To top it all off they’re nice people. They work hard and take care of homes and pets and breakable mothers and are polite, up to date on the state of the world, altogether “normal”. Except that they still go to cons, collect comics (not so much since the flurry of re-boots.), actively discuss tv shows, upcoming DC and Marvel films and Pokemon daily. And they include me. I’m actually supposed to have an opinion. It’s wrong, of course, but they do listen to it first.

And I enjoy it. I protest , as a responsible adult should, that collecting bobble heads, spending Saturdays hunting made up monsters/creatures and passionately debating the characterization of Shazam vs. whoever is not worthy of them. Again, I’m wrong. I led them up this path and it gives them pleasure. They adult perfectly well so why not?

As for their including me, thank you. Our relationship has changed from parent to friend and I am so lucky.

Guest Post!!~ Attending Conventions as a Senior

18 Dec

Barbara is back to share her thoughts on attending conventions at a certain age…


When I was younger (much) I took my kids to Star Trek Conventions… little ones in neighboring towns and big ones in LA. The three of us were on our own a lot and cons were a cheap way of spending the day together, having fun mostly looking. Turns out both kids were incipient nerds and enjoyed themselves very much. He got into comic books and she got into fandom.

Now I am considerably older; with the attendant aches and pains and she takes me to the cons. Continue reading

Guest Post~ How to raise Nerds!

29 Aug

Recent guest poster, and regular NerdLush BTS researcher/archivist, Barbara is back to share her thoughts on raising nerds. And speaking as one of the nerds she raised… she knows what she is talking about.


I raised nerds. I’m not quite sure how I did it but I am quite happy with the result. Continue reading

Guest post- Shark Movies, OMG!

25 Aug

One of NerdLush’s behind the scenes resources is stepping out of the shadows to share some thoughts… say hello to Barbara!


Shark movies…


They can be so awful. But you just gotta love them. Continue reading

Guest Post!!~ San Diego Comic Con: Nerds of a Feather Flock Together!

2 Aug

Hello fellow nerds! My name is Bethany and NerdLush recruited me to write a blog about my San Diego Comic Con experience this year. First, a little bit about myself- I am a book nerd, TV junkie, and general superhero fan. I have been attending Comic Con the last 7 years, and it’s always been an adventure. This year was no different.

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Guest Post!!~ John Barrowman’s Garage Sale

21 Mar

A new guest poster is joining us today with her first post… and adventure off to the wilds of Palm Springs in search of John Barrowman’s Garage Sale.


Guest Blog By: Shayne Left Lane

Twitter: @ShayneLeftLane Continue reading

Guest Post!~ 5 Great Books for Your Summer Beach Getaway

17 Jul

Cassie is a freelance writer who enjoys topics that combine technology and literature. Whenever the weather is warm, she takes her favorite e-reader and books with her to the beach.
I would like to thank NerdLush for publishing this article. The site provides in-depth recaps and analysis of comic book based shows, anime and conventions. Check out their FanGirl Squee section for recaps and reviews.


beach books

What better way to relax at the beach or pool than with a good book? A lot of people still consider summer books as throwaway novels, but that doesn’t mean those are the only types of books you can read during the warm months. Continue reading

Guest Post!!!~ Captain Marvel: Which Actresses Best Bring Her to Life

18 Jul

Morgan is a freelance writer with a BA in both Journalism and Women’s Studies. An avid reader and amateur coffee connoisseur, she can often be found at the local cafes reading and writing in her worn-out journal. Hoping to one day set her sights on each square inch of the world, she often spends hours globetrotting in reverie. Follow Morgan on Twitter to see other articles and various cat-based inclusions.


You’ve heard about the Captain Marvel movie coming out; heck, we’ve all heard about it, and with fresh news come fresh rumors. Debates about how the film will fit into the Marvel Universe Franchise, who the prospected (and possibly female) directors are, and even what exactly the movie will be about has got the Internet twittering, but my mind is focused on one critical thing: who is going to play the first ever live-action Carol Danvers?

Captain Marvel

Continue reading

Guest Post!!~ Geek Mom Raising a Geek Baby

16 Feb

NerdLush friend, Jackie, is back with another guest post– this time she returns to the topic of raising a baby in a world of geek.


I’ve attempted to write this piece for several months now. It first started out as a piece on my experience taking a toddler to the Chicago Comic Con back in August. Then it evolved into a piece about finding “geek” and “super hero” clothing that’s for girls and doesn’t include a tutu. Then I sat back and realized I’ve written on both of these topics before. Continue reading

Guest Post!! ~ Animal-Themed Movie Nights for Families

16 Dec

Catherine Ross is a full-time stay-at-home-mum who believes learning should be enjoyable for young minds. An erstwhile elementary school teacher, Catherine loves coming up with creative ways through which kids can grasp the seemingly difficult concepts of learning easily. She believes that a ‘fun factor’ can go a long way in enhancing kids’ understanding and blogs at


Bring out a bucket of buttered popcorn and the PJs! There is nothing quite like a family night during the holidays. Why not make it an animal-themed movie night every night for a week during the holidays? Continue reading