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Reading is Fundamental

10 Dec

When I was a kid there was a wall in my bedroom covered in shelves that were covered in books. I have a perfect memory of one of my high school friends seeing it and being shocked, asking me if I had read all of them.

Yes. Yes, I had.

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I still believe a man can fly…

21 Dec

So… I am going to say something that might be considered controversial… Henry Cavill has never played Superman.

And he is not my generations Superman. I lean towards Christopher Reeve or Tom Welling for that title.

However I believe that Henry could do an excellent job if given the chance and thus was looking forward to the announcement in October that he was coming back to the role. I would love to see him be given a Superman script and see him breathe life into it.

Thus it was disappointing last week to hear that he was once again out of the role.

Let me go back a little and explain myself. Zack Snyder has never written a Superman script (and he should never touch anything comic book related. Fight me). He wrote summer blockbusters. And as such, they were fine. Heck, I am watching Man of Steel with a therapy group right now and they love it. None of them have ever read a comic book (prison inmates… most of them believe that their reputation was more important than doing something “silly” when they were kids). I am dying during the group, keeping busy with paperwork. But they love it. That’s the blockbuster aspect. But soon the movie will be over and we’ll talk about why it’s not a Superman story… Sups can’t kill being the biggest thing- that makes him no better than humans and he has to be what we strive for or there’s no point in him being our hero. Even the guys get that.

Don’t get me wrong- I adore James Gunn and I am excited to see what he and Peter Safran have in mind for the DCU.

But I think it was pretty shitty of Warner Brothers/DC to allow the Henry Cavill announcement and then days later announce new heads to the DCU, who seem to cleaning house to develop a solid base for DC. Now that Cavill is out, though, what does that mean for Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Zack Levi and even Dwayne Johnson? Well… as of yesterday Dwayne is out, or at least on hold.

What I want is solid scripts and direction. But the casts have been very well done (minus that first Suicide Squad film that we won’t talk about). I want that Batgirl movie.

And I want to see Henry Cavill play Superman.

I spent some time Inside of You

29 Aug

So… I am not a fan of podcasts. I know. You are wondering how that could be. But honestly, it’s the talking heads things… it bores me. Doesn’t matter the topic. It’s why I have trouble listening to talk radio/NPR. I need to be doing something. When I was forced to listen to audio recordings while studying, I did so while gardening (pulling weeds) or going for walks. Something. And yes, I know there are a lot of podcasts that you can watch on youtube etc, but it’s still boring. If I’m gonna watch something, I want it to be actiony or funny, or colorful or something! I can’t even stand watching talk shows anymore. Puts me right to sleep.

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My Disney+ catch up, part 2

21 Aug

Last time I talked about my recent viewing and catch up on the Disney+ Star Wars shows. But that left us with quite a few Marvel related shows to talk about. For my sanity, I won’t blather on about the Netflix Marvel shows. I think we’ve already talked about them here somewhere. And if not, we should’ve but that boat has probably sailed. Or not, who knows. I’m the all powerful one here. Mwahahaha.

Sorry, I was up late last night watching Doctor Strange and I think the multiverses made me a little cray cray.

Anyways, assume spoilers from here on… Continue reading

Binge Something: DOOM PATROL

8 Jul

Stewart here…

Welcome to the first of a semi-regular column here where I’ll be recommending and filling you in on geeky shows worth your time (and maybe not your time) to check out for yourself.

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A Couple Rambley Thoughts on Buffy’s 25th

12 Mar

So I wanted to say a few things about Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s recent 25th anniversary (holy crap, 25?!?)…

Nerdlush Social Media!!

27 Dec

Greetings! Happy Holidays… let’s all hope that this next year is the winner we all need. And speaking of that, here’s a quick little post about our social media presence…

Smallville is still my happy place

18 Nov

Recently, Smallville celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. I was inspired to spend that weekend (one where I happened to be under the weather) vegging on the couch rewatching the series. I initially decided that I would jump around, skipping episodes, but then I got caught in a season I hadn’t watched in a long time and it’s been a full binge ever since. Let’s just assume there be spoilers here for anyone who hasn’t watched the series… Continue reading

What’s new, pussycat?

14 Nov

So… here I was being good about posting for a minute but then… I went back to work. And got a second job. And California caught fire. Again. And I, once again, burrowed under my covers and hid.

Besides all of that, my Facebook got destroyed and that seems to have wiped my abilities to connect.

It was a lot. But I see that both Stewart and I are making moves to poke our heads out.

I’ll start?

I was thinking recently, as I drove to work, that I haven’t been motivated to watch any new TV seasons/series in a while. The only new show that I watched in the last year was Superman and Lois. But I used to get excited for all the new seasons/mid-season premieres and want to give everything a try. I’m not entirely sure what happened to make me lose all interest. I know that part of my depression is/was not being up to “new”, and thus I just binge The Simpsons, home improvement/house hunting shows, CSI (all of them), etc… Things I have seen so many times that there was no anxiety if I missed a few minutes or an episode.

What should I be watching? What has drawn you in? What are you excited for?

I tried the new CSI when it premiered and I think I will be able to manage that. But everyone around me is talking about how I have to watch this and be sure to watch that. Which, I don’t know… I feel pressured and that doesn’t work well for me.

I also haven’t seen many new movies since pre-covid times. We went to see Free Guy and Jungle Cruise and The Suicide Squad. But that’s it. I have Black Widow  and Wonder Woman ’84… I still haven’t watched them. I need to. I want to. But when I sit down to do it… Those binges I already mentioned look so much better. I was telling myself the other night that I need to watch a series I just picked up season 2 of on disk, before the new season starts soon. Maybe I will get around to it. It’s probably one of the ones Stewart has yelled at me about.

I bought a new book recently too. I stopped buying a lot of books for a while because I don’t read as much as I should. Which I can’t decide if it’s a side effect of the depression now or just being tired. Because I get a page or two in and BAM! the yawns start. And it’s not the book. I just picked up Val Kilmer’s autobiography- it’s really interesting. But… a page or two and I’m too tired to keep going. It sucks.

So I guess the whole point of this post is just to ask all of you- what are you reading, watching, enjoying? with the goal of maybe being inspired, finally, to get back into something.

Restarting The Writing Engine

15 Jul

Stewart here…

Wow. Very weird writing that again for this blog, but yet I’m here doing it. This post is both an apology and a slight exploration of why I stopped posting here for a while last year and until now. Like a lot of you, 2020 sucker punched me hard. I’ve never been what you would call a extroverted kind of guy, so the idea of having to stay in more than usual didn’t bother me. But what happened was something worse: my need to write became harder. Continue reading