Tag Archives: Henry Cavill

I believe a man can fly… but why?

29 Dec

What is it that draws fans to Superman? The character, and several related TV shows/movies, are what I would consider “comfort food”. When I was sick not too long ago, and stuck at home- able to watch anything – I put on Smallville and got lost in the healing powers of Clark Kent. Though I am still irritated that I spent 10- years waiting for a man to change clothes…

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I still believe a man can fly…

21 Dec

So… I am going to say something that might be considered controversial… Henry Cavill has never played Superman.

And he is not my generations Superman. I lean towards Christopher Reeve or Tom Welling for that title.

However I believe that Henry could do an excellent job if given the chance and thus was looking forward to the announcement in October that he was coming back to the role. I would love to see him be given a Superman script and see him breathe life into it.

Thus it was disappointing last week to hear that he was once again out of the role.

Let me go back a little and explain myself. Zack Snyder has never written a Superman script (and he should never touch anything comic book related. Fight me). He wrote summer blockbusters. And as such, they were fine. Heck, I am watching Man of Steel with a therapy group right now and they love it. None of them have ever read a comic book (prison inmates… most of them believe that their reputation was more important than doing something “silly” when they were kids). I am dying during the group, keeping busy with paperwork. But they love it. That’s the blockbuster aspect. But soon the movie will be over and we’ll talk about why it’s not a Superman story… Sups can’t kill being the biggest thing- that makes him no better than humans and he has to be what we strive for or there’s no point in him being our hero. Even the guys get that.

Don’t get me wrong- I adore James Gunn and I am excited to see what he and Peter Safran have in mind for the DCU.

But I think it was pretty shitty of Warner Brothers/DC to allow the Henry Cavill announcement and then days later announce new heads to the DCU, who seem to cleaning house to develop a solid base for DC. Now that Cavill is out, though, what does that mean for Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Zack Levi and even Dwayne Johnson? Well… as of yesterday Dwayne is out, or at least on hold.

What I want is solid scripts and direction. But the casts have been very well done (minus that first Suicide Squad film that we won’t talk about). I want that Batgirl movie.

And I want to see Henry Cavill play Superman.


31 Mar

Stewart here…

Obviously, there are SPOILERSContinue reading

Cinema Therapy, class is in session

29 May

So I can’t decide if this will be a semi-regular post series or just a one off but I wanted to talk about a tool I use in my work. As most followers of this site know, I work in mental health. What you may not be aware of is that I work with incarcerated men. A very interesting, and notoriously difficult, population.

Once I realized how my nerdy interest in super heroes could help me in my work with adolescent boys, I figured that it was worth a try to get a buy-in from the adults. And it worked. So I gained a bit of a rep and I’m the one the guys run up to when they want to talk comics or movies or what have you. Not only do I work with individuals but I also run therapeutic groups- more like psychoeducation groups but still, we have some awesome discussions. When I was finally at a point where I could create my own groups I decided to run “Cinema Therapy” groups. Continue reading

Justice League was… better than I thought.

8 Jan

This post may seem a little out of date, but I wanted to share my thoughts anyways…

I have seen a lot of comments the last month or so about Justice League being a failure. But I want to state otherwise. Sure, Warner Brothers and DC aren’t likely to have made their money back and may not make as much as they hoped by the time it leaves theaters but… here’s the thing- I have enjoyed only one DC film since Dark Knight Rises and that was Wonder Woman. Sure, I saw Man of SteelBatman versus Superman, and even Suicide Squad in the theater but they were crap movies and they pissed me off more than anything. Wonder Woman finally made me interested in DC films again and then the trailers for Justice League cemented that I was going to see this one in the theater (it was touch and go after Suicide Squad, honestly).

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Dusting Off the Shelf: Letter T

22 May

Me again. How’s things? I actually didn’t have a lot of T’s in my collection, but I’ve got one that I’ve owned for almost a decade but never bothered to watch because… honestly, I don’t remember why. I know I wanted to see it in the theater but when it came out I was in the middle of cramming all the courses ever in order to finish my bachelors… anyways, it’s sat on my shelf and today I broke down and finally watched Tristan & Isolde.

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28 Jul


Stewart here…

Unlike our beloved NerdLush head honcho, I have not really discussed with you all my thoughts on Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. So let me start off my saying that BvS is not the worst movie ever made (maybe the worst comic book movie of 2016, but that’s only SO FAR…), BUT there’s way too many pacing and story issues that don’t make it good. It’s like shoving 15 pounds of stuff into a 5 pound bag and realizing some important material fell out during the bag filling. So when I heard of a longer version coming to Blu-ray, I was guardedly excited. Continue reading

Save yourself and avoid Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

3 Apr

To start- you need to understand that this post is MY opinion and that if you differ from it, that’s A-OK because we are two different people. Also, I will not be holding back regarding what I’m going to discuss- so assume spoilers will be presented.

Now to the topic at hand- I have seen Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.


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My Latest Obsession- Henry Cavill, the big budget flicks

6 Oct

002-Henry-CavillContinuing with my obsession with all things Henry Cavill, I’ve taken to watching some of the bigger budget, wider release films.

Of course, we all know of Man of Steel. In fact, we’ve written several posts here about it. It’s still not a good Superman movie- but I will accept it as a summer blockbuster. In some ways I am looking forward to next summers Batman vs Superman film, but in other ways… I’m terrified. But that is neither here nor there. MoS was the film that truly brought Henry Cavill to the international view. Even though Henry had been in multiple pieces at that point that put him in the public eye- I’m looking at you, The Tudors– it was MoS that made people look at him and go “whoa”. Continue reading

My Latest Obsession… Henry Cavill, chapter 1

10 Sep

Every so often I decide to get obsessed over some actor and watch everything they have made. Sometimes this is a good thing, other times not so much. You might recall the posts on Karl Urban and Scott Bakula… those were good (for the most part). Today, I am beginning to share my latest obsession- Henry Cavill. But I want to subtitle this particular post with I Watched This So You Don’t Have To.

I am going to skip over the obvious- Henry Cavill is pretty. That’s a given. And it is certainly something that would entice the review of projects. So let me just jump to the first title I’ll be discussing in regards to Mr. Cavill… Red Riding Hood.

red riding hood poster Continue reading