Tag Archives: Smallville

I believe a man can fly… but why?

29 Dec

What is it that draws fans to Superman? The character, and several related TV shows/movies, are what I would consider “comfort food”. When I was sick not too long ago, and stuck at home- able to watch anything – I put on Smallville and got lost in the healing powers of Clark Kent. Though I am still irritated that I spent 10- years waiting for a man to change clothes…

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I spent some time Inside of You

29 Aug

So… I am not a fan of podcasts. I know. You are wondering how that could be. But honestly, it’s the talking heads things… it bores me. Doesn’t matter the topic. It’s why I have trouble listening to talk radio/NPR. I need to be doing something. When I was forced to listen to audio recordings while studying, I did so while gardening (pulling weeds) or going for walks. Something. And yes, I know there are a lot of podcasts that you can watch on youtube etc, but it’s still boring. If I’m gonna watch something, I want it to be actiony or funny, or colorful or something! I can’t even stand watching talk shows anymore. Puts me right to sleep.

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Smallville is still my happy place

18 Nov

Recently, Smallville celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. I was inspired to spend that weekend (one where I happened to be under the weather) vegging on the couch rewatching the series. I initially decided that I would jump around, skipping episodes, but then I got caught in a season I hadn’t watched in a long time and it’s been a full binge ever since. Let’s just assume there be spoilers here for anyone who hasn’t watched the series… Continue reading

Guest Post!!~ Attending Conventions as a Senior

18 Dec

Barbara is back to share her thoughts on attending conventions at a certain age…


When I was younger (much) I took my kids to Star Trek Conventions… little ones in neighboring towns and big ones in LA. The three of us were on our own a lot and cons were a cheap way of spending the day together, having fun mostly looking. Turns out both kids were incipient nerds and enjoyed themselves very much. He got into comic books and she got into fandom.

Now I am considerably older; with the attendant aches and pains and she takes me to the cons. Continue reading

DC Recap Round Up 2, Special Edition: ELSEWORLDS

13 Dec

Welcome back! While we’ll have a regular installment of this column later this week (involving Black Lightning and Legends of Tomorrow, and a catch-up on Titans), this one is a special extra long one covering The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl respectively, as we recap the crossover event, Elseworlds! So let’s just get to all the craziness… Continue reading

LA Comic Con, oh how I’ve missed you! (or have I?)

12 Nov

After missing out on last year’s convention because my assistant decided getting paid for actual work instead of doing free convention wanderings was a better deal… well, I made a return to my convention fun. With a new assistant. Who ended up having more delightful shenanigans than I, but more on that later. Continue reading

Fandemic Tour- Sacramento, a first stop of fun

16 Jul

Recently, we had the pleasure of checking out the first stop on the Fandemic Tour, with a quick trip up to Sacramento to help inaugurate a new convention. Overall, it was quite an enjoyable convention and it is recommended to check out if a stop happens to be near you. Though as it was the first event, there are a few things that could be improved. We’ll touch on the good and bad in a bit. Continue reading

Heroes and Villains invade San Jose for another grand Fan Fest!

7 Dec

We had the opportunity to attend Heroes and Villains Fan Fest in San Jose for the second year recently. Since we weren’t there in a press/media or doing a panel capacity, it was a little strange and initially there wasn’t going to be a post about the convention. However, there were enough differences- and some issues we wanted to address- that it seems like a good idea to write something up. We had a great time, I want to make that clear- HVFF puts on a good show!

But… it could be better. Continue reading

ARROW Season 1 rewatch, Ep. 2, “Honor Thy Father” / Ep. 3, “Lone Gunmen”

9 Jun

Welcome back to the rewatch, Arrowheads!  We started off with introducing Oliver Queen back to the world after being missing & presumed dead for five years.  But he came back with a mission: to bring justice on the criminals who have corrupted his hometown of Starling City.  And now, he’s got a lot of work to do, and we got some recapping to do too… Continue reading

ARROW Season 1 rewatch, Ep. 1: “Pilot”

1 Jun

Welcome, Arrowheads!  As many longtime NerdLush readers are aware, I started recapping Arrow here around season two, but for a while now, have wanted to go back and recap the first season.  With season five now over (and a significant part of Oliver Queen’s story ended), it seemed like the best time to go back and revisit Arrow season one.   Continue reading