Tag Archives: Michael Rosenbaum

I spent some time Inside of You

29 Aug

So… I am not a fan of podcasts. I know. You are wondering how that could be. But honestly, it’s the talking heads things… it bores me. Doesn’t matter the topic. It’s why I have trouble listening to talk radio/NPR. I need to be doing something. When I was forced to listen to audio recordings while studying, I did so while gardening (pulling weeds) or going for walks. Something. And yes, I know there are a lot of podcasts that you can watch on youtube etc, but it’s still boring. If I’m gonna watch something, I want it to be actiony or funny, or colorful or something! I can’t even stand watching talk shows anymore. Puts me right to sleep.

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Smallville is still my happy place

18 Nov

Recently, Smallville celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. I was inspired to spend that weekend (one where I happened to be under the weather) vegging on the couch rewatching the series. I initially decided that I would jump around, skipping episodes, but then I got caught in a season I hadn’t watched in a long time and it’s been a full binge ever since. Let’s just assume there be spoilers here for anyone who hasn’t watched the series… Continue reading

Gaming as a non-gamer

17 Feb

Ok, first off… of the people who have written for NerdLush, I am probably the least one to be considered a gamer. Of any kind. I enjoy a good board game but haven’t played one in years because I lived too far from friends, my friends pull the “old and married” card, or… 2020. And while I own multiple game systems, I cannot play many games.

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Heroes and Villains invaded San Jose for another year of adventuring!

10 Dec

For our 3rd year, we ventured over the hill from the Central Valley to hang out with some heroes and villains, and zombies too!, in San Jose. This was sort of a last minute venture due to availability issues with minions, but in the end we made plans and set out to see what there was to see.

As I write up the event and my thoughts, I am starting to think there should be classes on convention etiquette because there were several moments that were frustrating. However, there were also a lot of really good things. Did it balance out? I’m not sure… let’s talk about some of the highlights and issues and see. Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 7, Eps. 17-20 and Season Seven Highlights

24 Jun

The Smallville season 7 minicaps would like to apologize if you don't like these last few episodes.  It was the Writer's Strike that did that.

The Smallville season 7 minicaps would like to apologize if you don’t like these last few episodes. It was the Writer’s Strike that did that.

Stewart here…

Let’s just get the big news out of the way: LIONEL WAS KILLED BY LEX!  Lionel and some of his high-society buddies were involved in a group called Veritas, who worshipped a “Traveler” from space (hint, hint) and now Lex has turned to patricide to find out the identity of this “traveler”.  Meanwhile, said “Traveler” Clark Kent loses two women in his life when Lana is left comatose by Brainiac and Kara leaves with Brainiac to who-knows-where save Lana.  Oh, and Lana’s is STILL zombified, so so much for that agreement. Continue reading