Tag Archives: Star Wars

So I finally caught up in Disney+

4 Jul

Last year some time a lovely pal gave me access to their Disney+ account and I started watching the Marvel shows. But as happens… life happened and I only got through 1 and a little more before I returned to my binges of The Simpsons and Family Guy, etc. Bless that friend for the opportunity but I needed a real kick in the pants to actually sit down and watch things. Which happened recently as I got my own account and eventually shared with my family.

So I wanted to take a few minutes to jot down my thoughts and reactions to some of the shows. Basically everything is at least 6 months (minus Obi-Wan Kenobi) old, so expect there to be spoilers within. Also, this is going to be fairly random- stream of consciousness reactions here.

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Big or small, does size really matter?

7 May

Before Avengers: Endgame was released, I was talking to a friend about it and how excited I was to see it. He was excited, too. But then I reminded him that he hadn’t seen Captain Marvel yet (which, what the hell, dude?), so he couldn’t see Endgame for a bit still. He agreed and then said, “I’ll just wait til it’s streaming in a few weeks”. Continue reading

May the 4th be with you!

4 May

Just a keep post to wish everyone a happy Star Wars day!

I have found myself caught in the TBS marathon Continue reading

Guest Post~ Second Hand Nerd

21 Apr

Barbara is back with another post about raising nerdy kids, though she leaves out that Grandpa Alan raised her the same way, with books and science and stories available on TV & films. Different generations.


I am a second hand nerd.

I deliberately exposed my two kids (now adults) to comic books, science fiction on TV and in the movies as well as at the library, conventions (comic book and/or sci-fi) , made them super-hero capes and sometimes even discussed what would have happened if Leia and Luke weren’t brother and sister (eww, gross Mom) or if Leia had been the one trained by Obi Wan Kenobi.

At the time I thought I was keeping them entertained. I certainly did not expect it to effect the rest of their lives. I assumed they would outgrow their super heroes and Star Wars action figures.

They didn’t.

They play Pokemon. They’re sort of competitive and sort of cooperative. They have fun going on ”raids” or whatever they’re called. (Mind you they are grown adults with jobs.) They go to action movies and drag/take me along. Sunday of opening week. And my daughter, the proud keeper of this blog, takes me to cons where I get kissed by TV villains.

And then there are their T-shirts. Many of which I bought them. I need say no more as anyone who reads this blog has a closet full, too.

To top it all off they’re nice people. They work hard and take care of homes and pets and breakable mothers and are polite, up to date on the state of the world, altogether “normal”. Except that they still go to cons, collect comics (not so much since the flurry of re-boots.), actively discuss tv shows, upcoming DC and Marvel films and Pokemon daily. And they include me. I’m actually supposed to have an opinion. It’s wrong, of course, but they do listen to it first.

And I enjoy it. I protest , as a responsible adult should, that collecting bobble heads, spending Saturdays hunting made up monsters/creatures and passionately debating the characterization of Shazam vs. whoever is not worthy of them. Again, I’m wrong. I led them up this path and it gives them pleasure. They adult perfectly well so why not?

As for their including me, thank you. Our relationship has changed from parent to friend and I am so lucky.

LA Comic Con, oh how I’ve missed you! (or have I?)

12 Nov

After missing out on last year’s convention because my assistant decided getting paid for actual work instead of doing free convention wanderings was a better deal… well, I made a return to my convention fun. With a new assistant. Who ended up having more delightful shenanigans than I, but more on that later. Continue reading

Some Random Thoughts on STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI! (SPOILERS)

30 Dec

Stewart here…

As the latest installment in the Star Wars series hits theaters, it’s clear that this has become divisive in a way that The Force Awakens wasn’t. Instead of complaining about the familiar steps that Force Awakens takes, some fans are now complaining about the exact opposite in The Last Jedi. For my money, and as I’ll discuss here, there are things about the movie that I have trouble with, but they are not deal breaking type things that some fans have lost their marbles over. I honestly loved this movie for veering out of just being a retread of the previous movies, while also doing something that’s been hard to do (at least successfully in my view): make an original Star Wars film. But let’s just get to some broad non-spoilers related stuff before jumping into all the spoilery goodness… Continue reading


5 Jan

Stewart here…

Some heavy SPOILERS within…

As I had NO TIME this holiday season to do it, I now have finally watched the first of the Star Wars spinoff movies, ROGUE ONE.  My early thoughts are that I enjoyed seeing a different look into the Star Wars universe that had nothing to do with the Skywalker clan (well, except for one significant appearance and one fleeting one), and for the most part, I thought it was a solid movie.  I’m not sure about it being all that kid-friendly (which we will discuss why further), but I legit enjoyed ROGUE ONE, even though I think there are one or two brief bits of fan service that seemed really unnecessary.  But, how about we skip the long write-up, and break down the good and bad of this movie point by point? Continue reading

The Flaw of Force Awakens

13 Jan

The new Star Wars returns to the beauty of the original trilogy (and the only ones worth mentioning) with the technology of today. The special effects were out of this world. And the story was fun! It was an exciting film, worth a second, third, twelfth viewing…


But it has a flaw Continue reading

2016 brings a lot of Nerd fun with it…

3 Jan

It’s a new year and time to look back on the last year and determine how to make this one even better. And with all of the exciting films and TV shows coming soon, 2016 is looking pretty awesome. Or it could be a miserable failure.


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23 Dec


Stewart here…

Okay, I plan to keep the first half of this post relatively spoiler-free, but will discuss more specific points in the latter half, so don’t worry, YOU’LL BE WARNED.

So, let’s start off with some broad things about Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Continue reading