Tag Archives: Captain America

Some Thoughts and Plenty of SPOILERS on AVENGERS: ENDGAME!

6 May

Stewart here…

Well, I can only assume you have managed over the weekend to see the biggest thing of the summer so far (or maybe THE biggest thing of the summer), by somehow seeing Avengers: Endgame. If you have, I’ll be here to talk about the key points, call backs, and poignant deaths of this three hour epic film. If you haven’t yet, you should go ahead and do that now (it’s not like you’ll be hurting to find it at your local multiplex), because this be full of SPOILERS. So if you haven’t, come back later. I’ll wait.

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A Not-A-Review Review of Wonder Woman

6 Jun

This is not a review. I have to start out with that because I am not a film critic, at least no more than the next Average Joe, nor am I qualified to review a film by talking about the elements that were done to create it. What this is is a collection of the thoughts I had while watching Wonder Woman and afterwards. The simplest way to describe my reaction is this- I loved it. Stop now if you haven’t seen the film as I cannot be held responsible for any spoilers found herein.

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Dusting Off The Shelf: Letter B

10 Jan

Back again and continuing this series… Today we have Before We Go. Continue reading


9 May


Stewart here…

So for those of you who had a chance to see Captain America: Civil War over the weekend (or you’re one of those readers who lives outside the U.S. and had a chance to see it over the last few weeks), I’ll be talking about my brief opinions on the movie. Before we get too spoilery though, here some of the broad non-spoilery stuff that I really dig about Civil War, and later on, go into the pluses and minuses (the few there are) of it:

–We had to eventually get to a storyline like this in the MCU with events of late (I mean, AN ENTIRE CITY was almost used as a giant meteor of death in the last Avengers movie) with having some kind of global response to the collateral damage of these big fights. And it’s good to see the arguments for and against it have strong points that you can understand.

–This movie may have the most incredible fight scene of any Marvel movie (let alone maybe any superhero movie) and also one the most emotionally traumatizing and personal of any Marvel movie.

–It’s nice to see RDJ get some more shades to play in Tony Stark here, as his frustration and inner turmoil finally starts to boil over in a truly heartbreaking way.

–Vision and Scarlet Witch feel more like characters than I think Age of Ultron ever succeeded at doing, which is not as much a slam on that movie, because there was a lot of balls in the air there.

–I was looking forward to a Black Panther movie, but with Chadwick Boseman’s performance as T’Challa and the setup of Wakanda here makes me really excited to see this character in action on his own.


–Spider-Man is the greatest part of the brief scenes he’s in, but without spoiling too much, there are some concerns.

–Zemo isn’t as good as say the villain in the last Captain America movie, but his big plan is certainly one of the more creative ones, because of what he doesn’t do.

–We really haven’t cracked the Black Widow solo movie code yet, Marvel? Because, sheesh.

–Also, Ant-Man. Better here than in his own solo movie. Note that when doing his next movie, Marvel.

–Hey, a big budget superhero throw down movie in 2016 that remembers to be funny?

–Chris Evans pretty much IS Captain America. And you need a hero like that in a movie like this.

–Out of the two movies regarding superheroes fighting each other, setting up future movies, and packing in multiple characters and motivations in 2016, this is the one that works. Take notes, competition.



So the remainder of this is SPOILERS for the whole movie, so if you don’t wish to know any more, stop here.




Really, stop here because we talk about the WHOLE MOVIE. Okay?




–“That shield doesn’t obey the laws of physics!”

–GIANT-Man, everyone! I think his laugh when it worked was pretty much my laugh when it happened. Also, regular Ant-Man shrinking and expanding tricks throughout the fight (“I thought that was a water truck.”) were awesome!

–Okay, great to have Spidey in this, but here’s my concern: Tony decides to take this teenager into a fight (across an ocean!) with a bunch of veteran adult heroes that could easily go bad (and does), and what part of this doesn’t seem like stupidity and endangerment on Tony’s end? On the positive end, making him a nervous chatter mouth nerd is a wonderful note to have this version of Spidey be. He’s a fanboy, and his reactions really help the extended airport fight.

–“We’re still running at each other. We’re not stopping!”


–Scarlet Witch doing all those quick saves of her buddies during the big fight was great.

–We get Crossbones briefly, before he suicide bombs himself. Also, that the explosion is contained, but briefly we see it actually burning him up alive as Scarlet Witch gets him clear is really disturbing.

–You get the feeling that Bucky and Black Panther are the only two heroes in this group everyone else combined would have difficulty fighting.

–Black Panther’s security lady? I kinda agree with T’Challa, that I would love a fight between her and Black Widow.

–Bucky using his metal arm to turn a battering ram into a baton? Ouch. And that catch of that motorcycle and flipping it into his escape vehicle was amazing.

–That whole chase scene in Germany was impressive, like when Cap got out of the SUV, started running with the SUV flipping and crashing behind him.

–Rhodey gets crippled…by accident and by his teammate, Vision, no less!

–“We’re still friends, right?”

–The hilarious combo of Sam and Bucky.

–The Falcon and Redwing. And it being called a “bird costume”.

–“Where are you from, kid?” “Queens.” “Brooklyn.”

–“It’s your conscience. We haven’t talked in a while.”

–The Wes Anderson-esque titles to show locations was a nice touch.

–Laying out a trap for Vision before he returned to the base? NOW Hawkeye is awesome.

–Vision in sweaters. And trying to cook.

–“Something just flew into me!”

–So Tony and Pepper are on the outs, huh?

–If you need an actor to make one scene where a parent expresses her anger over losing her child work, call Alfre Woodard!

–Hi, Martin Freeman! Bye, Martin Freeman!

–Thunderbolt Ross, as not a military man, but still kind of a jerk.

–Peggy Carter’s funeral. Sniff. And hey, if that bummed Steve out, at least he’s got a future hook-up with Peggy’s niece to look forward to.

–“The living are not done with you yet.”

–Zemo is definitely in the top tier of villains in the MCU because his plan to avenge his family’s death in Sokovia, as convoluted as it is, is not about fighting the Avengers externally, but internally making them fight each other. We think he’s after supersoldiers, but when they are found dead, its a real surprise. And he actually succeeds in his plan at the end, for however long that will be.

–Which brings us to the reveal that I really should have seen coming, since the hints have been throughout all the HYDRA-based plots of the films: the brainwashed Bucky killed Tony’s parents! And the real gutpunch that Cap never voiced his suspicion of that to Tony!

–“He killed my mom.” Just stabs you in the heart right there.

–The final fight with Cap and Iron Man is so brutal, especially when both have that reaction near the end that they almost killed each other.

–Does Steve leaving the shield behind mean we may get some pretender take up the Captain America mantle for the next Avengers movie?

–“Yes, that’s him. Tony Stank.”

–We get a Only You reunion with RDJ and Marisa Tomei as Aunt May.

–Of course Steve wouldn’t leave his allies to rot in a prison in the middle of the ocean. You know him.

–Bucky goes under stasis, because, surprise, he rather get all that secret HYDRA brain tampering out of his system for good before doing anything else.

–Wakanda’s kick ass giant panther statue, guys. This place looks awesome.

–Spidey gets that logo light from Tony. And when it read “Spider-Man will return”, big applause from the audience I was with.

–That “old movie”, The Empire Strikes Back. Sadly, he’s right.

–De-aged RDJ was a trip.

–We didn’t get another Spidey origin/Uncle Ben death scene. That’s right, BvS, we already know the story with these guys. We’re not idiots.


–So are we thinking this rift gets patched up by or after the next Avengers movie?

So, what did you guys think of Civil War? Where do you rank this in the Marvel movies to date? Got any questions or stuff you want to chat about? You hyped up for a solo Spider-Man movie again or a Black Panther movie? Let’s talk about it below…

2016 brings a lot of Nerd fun with it…

3 Jan

It’s a new year and time to look back on the last year and determine how to make this one even better. And with all of the exciting films and TV shows coming soon, 2016 is looking pretty awesome. Or it could be a miserable failure.


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Avengers assembled! And kicked a little a$$!

3 May

The internet is full of reviews of Avengers: Age of Ultron, so this is not going to be another tedious post speaking about the cinematography, direction, production quality, direction, etc… Well, maybe a little on the direction.

Let’s just get to the nitty gritty- loved the film. Can I see it again? Now?


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9 Jan


Stewart here…

(Be warned of possible spoilers) Continue reading

SDCC 2014 News Wrap-Up!

28 Jul

Stewart here…

As the latest San Diego Comic-Con has wrapped, I thought it would be fun to look at some of the big news that dropped over the weekend at the place I consider “geek nirvana”.  So let’s get to the real reason it’s called comic-con with… Continue reading

A brief talk about Agents of SHIELD this week, and…well, you know…(SPOILERS)

9 Apr

agentsofSHIELD2Stewart here…and fair warning, some big SPOILERS regarding recent episodes of Agents of SHIELD and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, so in case you haven’t seen the latter and haven’t caught up on the former yet, you may want to avoid this article until later.

Good? Continue reading

Guest Post!!~ Marvel Springs ahead of Summer blockbusters with Winter soldier that won’t Fall down!

7 Apr

Our pal  Marc is back with another guest post! Marc watches a lot of movies and reviews them on TwoOhSix.com all while defying the conventions of what a “movie critic” is typically supposed to be.


captain america the first avengerMarvel Studios continues the expansion of its super hero universe with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, an espionage thriller that is set up to change everything we know about the inner workings of the government agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Chris Evans returns in the title role and we also see newcomers Anthony Mackie and Robert Redford in addition to familiar faces like Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan and Cobie Smulders. Continue reading