Tag Archives: Science Fiction

Dusting Off The Shelf: Letter I

28 Feb

For this installment, I decided to give in and watch last summer’s sequel Independence Day: Resurgence.

independence-day-resurgence-poster Continue reading

Taking A Leap Into (an advance first episode review of) Syfy’s THE EXPANSE!

27 Nov


Stewart here…

It seems like Syfy is going all in with spaceship based drama this year, with Dark Matter and Killjoys earlier this year, but those were appetizers for December’s The Expanse. Based on the book series by James S.A. Corey (a pseudonym for the two writers of the books, Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck), this show was one I was really looking for to, as I recently started reading the books for myself. But considering Syfy has been keeping its stable of shows relatively Earthbound, how would this sparring saga fare when translated to television? If the first episode (now available on cable on demand and YouTube ahead of its mid-December premiere) is any indication, Sci-Fi TV fans are in for a great meal.

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A SPOILER-filled review of THE MARTIAN

18 Oct


WARNING: If you haven’t read or seen The Martian, seriously, stop reading until you do because there are SPOILERS. You were warned.

Stewart here…

As I assume most of you readers have gotten around to seeing The Martian and/or read the book, this will be a fairly point-by-point review of my thoughts on the movie. So fair warning.

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The X-MEN Movie: 15 Years Later

21 Aug


Stewart here…

Considering the output of comic book movies this year has been ranging from good (Kingsman, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man) to bad (Fantastic Four), its important to remember a time when a superhero movie was a rarity. And in most cases, that rarity was more watered down versions of the core concept than a faithful adaptation. Cut to 1999, when director Bryan Singer was starting work on a big-budget adaptation of one of Marvel’s most popular batch of characters, the mutant heroes, the X-Men. That movie, released in the summer of 2000, was X-Men. Continue reading

Canadian Space Travel (or my brief review of Syfy’s Friday Night lineup)!

2 Jul

Stewart here…

So I’ve been starved for space ship-bound Sci-Fi shows pretty much since Stargate Universe went off the air, and it looks like we’re about to get a good amount of them on Syfy this year. There’s The Expanse which is coming out later this year (based on the really good book series), and now there’s two imports from Canada, Dark Matter and Killjoys that are now on Friday nights. So here’s a brief review of both so far:

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Quickie Thoughts on Syfy’s New Friday Night Lineup

17 Jan

Stewart here…

Besides watching the new season of Banshee (a show clearly less “Nerdsquee” and more “WTFF?” territory), my Friday night TV watching is generally light. And with the recent news of the new season of Hannibal premiering in the summer (!), its going to be more so during the spring. However, as I had some spare time this Friday, I decided to check out the new lineup of shows on Syfy that night. Continue reading

SDCC 2014 News Wrap-Up!

28 Jul

Stewart here…

As the latest San Diego Comic-Con has wrapped, I thought it would be fun to look at some of the big news that dropped over the weekend at the place I consider “geek nirvana”.  So let’s get to the real reason it’s called comic-con with… Continue reading

Television Graveyard- plot 9, SeaQuest DSV

20 Jul

Things were different back in the 90s…

Sunday night television was actually appropriate for families. Shows didn’t aim to outdo each other by hitting extremes of violence, sex, language or gore. It was a different time.

Kids, in the fall of 1993, NBC  premiered a sci-fi series from Steven Spielberg set in the near-ish future where the world was mostly at peace, and man had set out to explore a new frontier… the oceans.

seaquest Continue reading

The Wonderousness of WonderCon 2014… or how Easter Weekend is going to need a week to recover from

21 Apr

The con season is off to a brilliant start and NerdLush spent this Easter weekend in sunny Anaheim wandering the halls of WonderCon for the third year. Three significant differences from the prior years- a) rather than just going for Sunday, we went for all 3 days, b) rather than being only at the hall and otherwise being at home- we had a hotel room, and c) instead of just being fans, press, or otherwise wandering around innocently, I had been asked to be part of a panel on “The Psychology of Cult TV”. The latter piece will be covered in a separate post because honestly, I don’t remember much of it- my first panel… I was nervous! BUT! I have been told it (and I) was very good. And it felt pretty awesome. Continue reading


17 Feb

Howdy folks, it’s Emily. Well, it’s a bit late to be posting now since the live tweet of the east coast feed of Star-Crossed is well under way, however if you’re on the Pacific side of things, in TWO HOURS you can be watching Star-Crossed! Why do you ask? Because a) I worked on it and spent half of last year on it, b) It’s a sci-fi show! My spin: it’s District 9 but instead of ugly prawns it’s unbelievable beautiful people with tattoo-like markings that go to high school! Also for added flavor, a Romeo and Juliet type storyline between an alien boy and alien girl- dun dun DUN! It has everything! Sci-Fi! Action! Romance! I’ll even say it’s a throw back a little to the good ol’ Roswell days- but all in all, it’s a solid sci-fi show that I’m proud to have been a part of!

Not that I'm biased, but episodes 3, 6, 9, and 12 are the best :)

Be sure to tune in TONIGHT on the CW at 8pm (or on Hulu tomorrow! And if sci-fi isn’t your jam, check out Someone Marry Barry on Amazon, iTunes, or VOD- another film I worked on that just came out last week to all digital venues.)