Did you know?

19 Jan

OK, I’m going to be really honest… wordpress just ate the post I’ve been working on for the last two hours. So while I go cry in my spiked coffee, I need to post something! So here are two playlists that you may or may not know about.

The first is from the NerdLush Youtube page- the collection of videos from Conventions we’ve attended.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qgvn5JinbI&feature=share&list=PLNl_6ibpHhq4OPhru4bofBW3pZ8hI9hCV]

The second is from my personal Youtube page, collecting convention videos all the way back to 2004!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF-yVLG6RFQ&list=PL4814E5C3E1BDC938&feature=share]

Take a minute or more and enjoy. And this reminds me, I have a video I need to work on and add to the NerdLush page…

What do you think?