Tag Archives: Captain Cold

DC TV Recap Round-Up, Week 22: Doubling Up On Recaps!

26 May

Welcome back! Well, this is just a weird time for this column. Besides Arrow, we got only two other adjacent DCTV shows on right now (and don’t ask how we’re gonna address things when Flash ends it’s season ahead of Supergirl), so as a result, we’re doubling up on recaps for both Supergirl and Flash for now! That means a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get to it… Continue reading

DC TV Recap Round-Up, Week 14: Exercise and Exorcism!

24 Feb

Welcome back! Because things have been paltry these last two weeks, it made sense to wait a while before doing another round of the recaps. And now, we got enough here, with Black Lightning and two weeks worth of returning favorite Legends of Tomorrow! So let’s get to it… Continue reading

Crisis on Earth-X Impressions (and other random thoughts that are still nagging at me)

15 Jan

By now, hopefully, you have all read Stewart’s write-ups about the recent CW DCTV crossover extravaganza, Crisis on Earth-X. But I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it (trust me, it’s so much better to think about then some of the stuff I hear at work), and since the DCTV shows are about to come back from hiatus…

Basically I need to say this- that was some damn epic TV.

Let’s just assume, from this point on that spoilers will be contained within this post…

Continue reading

DC TV Recap Round-Up, Week 9: Mid-Season Break Time!

6 Dec

Welcome back! As you know last week, we had a huge eventful crossover with all the DC TV shows from the CW, and we’re back just in time for the midseason finales. So before the Winter break, let’s check in on Supergirl, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow! Continue reading

DC TV Recap Round-Up, Week 8: Crisis on Earth X (Part Two)!

29 Nov

Welcome back to the big crossover event, Crisis on Earth-X! Before we get started with the final half of this, let’s discuss what happened previously. You got interdimensional Nazis breaking up Barry and Iris’ wedding, and why has this happened? Because they come from Earth-X, a reality where the Nazis won WWII, and right now they are lead by…the evil doppleganger of Oliver Queen! And the evil doppleganger of Kara is his wife! And Eobard Thawne (the one we all know) is among them! Continue reading

DC TV Recap Round-up Issue 2: “Time To Get Catty!”

13 Feb

Stewart here…

Welcome back to another DC TV Round-Up!  This time around, I thought we should change things up a bit and give Arrow a break from this column (its not like we don’t cover that show its own here already), which leaves a hole to check out some of the other non-CW related shows that are DC related.  So besides the regular talk about The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow, this week we’ll take a look at the premiere of the not so serious NBC workplace/superhero related comedy Powerless.  So let’s start there… Continue reading

DC TV Recap Round-up Issue 1: “Have You Seen This _____?”

4 Feb

Stewart here…

Welcome to the first official installment of the DC TV Recap Round-up!  If you read last week’s winter break recap, we are back to regularly scheduled programming.  Obviously Arrow is covered in greater detail on this site, but we’ll briefly discuss that before jumping into returning favorites like The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow.  So…  Continue reading

Legends of Tomorrow, “Legendary” recap

2 Jun


Welcome back! It’s season finale time, and the team has had to contend with some major reveals, like how they’ve been manipulated by the Time Masters to help Vandal Savage secure a place of power on Earth. That manipulation was to stop an alien invasion in the future, but it also went further, into Rip’s superiors ordering the death of his family! To stick it to the Time Dicks, Snart sacrifices himself to destroy their ability to look into the timeline. That still leaves Kendra and Carter prisoner of Savage, on board his own timeship. So how will this season finale go down? Continue reading

Legends of Tomorrow, “Destiny” recap

22 May


Welcome back! While we seem to have gotten Carter back, we also dropped off Vandal Savage to the Time Masters, who we have discovered are aligned in Savage’s plan for world domination! Also, the team has been detained by the Time Masters, minus a missing Snart and Sara. Rip is also locked away, and Savage lets his adversary know he has to go to a long awaited appointment to kill Rip’s family! So yeah, everyone’s boned…except Jax, who got sent back to 2016 to cure his time rapid aging problem. Where did he end up, anyway? Continue reading

Legends of Tomorrow, “River of Time” recap

21 May


Welcome back! Last time, the team finally got Vandal Savage where they wanted him, but had to take him prisoner when they made a startling discovery. Their teammate, Carter, has been reincarnated and turned into a brainwashed drone of Savage, and only Savage can cure him! So how can they get Savage to cure Carter, while dealing with the whole threat of Time Masters still breathing down their backs? Continue reading