Tag Archives: 80s Movies

Happy Holidays from NerdLush!

24 Dec

Once again, our own D2, has created a holiday card from all of us to all of you. Can you name all the references and adventures?

Nerdlush 2014

Guest Post!!~ I love 80’s movies, part cuatro- The Bad Ones

22 Mar

NerdLush friend, Jackie, is back with another guest post– this time she chimes in with her love for those 80’s movies that are so bad… you just have to love them!


I love movies.

I will watch nearly any movie at least once. Okay, maybe twice, probably three times. I hold a special place in my heart for 80s movies. In fact, I have a rather large collection of movies that were made in the 80s. I hold an even deeper, more special place in my heart for BAD 80s movies. I don’t know why, but I just adore 80s movies with cheesy plotlines, bad acting and horrible special effects and costumes. Continue reading

I still love 80′s movies, part the third!

26 Feb

Stewart here…

The 80’s were a formative time in my life, especially when it came to movies.  Either due to my understanding of things at an early age or bad parenting (only as of late have I questioned which one it is), I got exposed to some great movies at some pivotal times in my childhood.  Many of them you’ve seen in previous posts, so to you I present some which hold a special place in my heart: Continue reading

I still love 80’s movies, part deux!

22 Feb

I’m back with more 80’s movies that I love. Many of the movies on my list are in my current DVD collection (or they were in my VHS collection), but they are all things that I’ll watch over and over when I land on them on cable… Continue reading

I still love 80’s movies!

16 Feb

The other day I was linked to an article that claimed 80’s movies were better than today. I agreed with every point they made and it inspired me to think about my favorite 80s movies. I thought about making a top ten list, but I really couldn’t rank the titles that I loved- my love for them changes daily. So I thought I would take a post, or two, and list out some of my favorite films from my childhood. I would love to hear some of your favorites and/or your thoughts on these films in the comments! Continue reading