Search results for 'smallville'

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 9, Eps. 9-11

29 Aug
The Smallville season 9 minicaps are still waiting for their JSA application to go through.

The Smallville season 9 minicaps are still waiting for their JSA application to go through.

Stewart here…

So, we found out quite a bit about Zod and those Kandorians now on Earth, thanks to surprising return of Jor-El.  Well, they are all clones (Jor-El included) that Jor-El and Zod helped make in case Krypton met disaster.  Things didn’t go well for the two prior to that, and Zod harbors a serious hate for Jor-El.  However, clone Jor-El gets killed, before Zod can find out about some book he’s hidden on Earth.  And Clark, who is still navigating trying to start a relationship with Lois (who is having more potent flashes of the future), is debating the last words clone Jor-El passed on to him: “Save Zod”.  Ummm, wanna read on and see how that goes?    Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 9, Eps. 5-8

21 Aug
Smallville season 9 minicaps have no plans for any Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog cameos this installment...or EVER.

Smallville season 9 minicaps have no plans for any Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog cameos this installment…or EVER.

Stewart here…

Last time, Clark’s attempt to be a full-time hero hit some big snags.  One is the arrival of Zod and his Kandorian army, not as powerful as Clark, and still under the kryptonian’s radar.  Another is the return of Lois from where or whenever she’s been, and the nightmarish visions she’s having.  And then there’s Oliver, who’s been in a bit of a downward spiral of late that seems to be getting worse.  Plus, now that Chloe is in charge of Watchtower, she’s been getting really secretive and kind of manipulative.  And Tess is trying to figure out what Zod is up to, along with watching Clark.  So, that’s everything, I think.  I mentioned the person appearing in a landing site marked with the House of El crest, right?  Oh.  Well let’s get to that, then… Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 9, Eps. 1-4

15 Aug
The Smallville season 9 minicaps has been brought to you by the color black.

The Smallville season 9 minicaps has been brought to you by the color black.

Stewart here…

Last season, the whole Davis Bloome/Doomsday storyline ended with both man and monster separated, and yet, both of them meeting quick demises.  But Clark and company still faced a lot of grief over what happened, like Jimmy’s death, Clark and Oliver turning against each other in deciding Davis’s fate, and Clark deciding to ditch being Clark Kent to be a full-time superhero.  On the other end, Lois vanished into what we assume is the future, and Tess has heralded the arrival of Zod to Earth.  So where do we start up this season? Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 8, Eps. 21-22 and Season Eight Highlights

7 Aug
The Smallville season 8 minicaps would like to apologize for what happens in this installment.  It's not excusable.

The Smallville season 8 minicaps would like to apologize for what happens in this installment. It’s not excusable.

Stewart here…

The whole Davis Bloome/Doomsday thing is starting to swing out of control, now that all our heroes (and villains) are aware what kind of threat he is. Not that Davis tries to take himself out of the equation, but that attempt just doesn’t work. Now Chloe is sheltering Davis in a crazy attempt to save both Davis and Clark from destroying one another. And meanwhile, Oliver is helping out Jimmy with a stable job besides pill-popping maniac, while dealing with his own guilt over killing Lex. Plus, Tess has some other odd kryptonian orb that I’m sure won’t be another world-ending calamity in the making. OK, who are we kidding? It pretty much will be. So, let’s jump in…

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SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 8, Eps. 17-20

30 Jul
The Smallville season 8 minicaps is now 100% Lana free.  It took us a while, but we finally got around to it.  Thank you for your patience.

The Smallville season 8 minicaps is now 100% Lana free. It took us a while, but we finally got around to it. Thank you for your patience.

Stewart here…

We had some brief returns of some long-time players in Smallville that have been absent this season.  One was Lana, who underwent a procedure to become superpowerful, only to get her and Clark’s new perfect relationship sunk when she gets irradiated with kryptonite.  And that happens thanks to the other returning player, Lex Luthor, who is physically destroyed from that experience at the Arctic, and who ends up dead thanks to an explosion caused by Oliver Queen.  Meanwhile, Tess seems to be aware of Clark’s secret, and lets him know as much despite his denials.  Our other villain this season, Davis Bloome, is now murdering criminals and keeping people off his scent through some pretty extreme measures, like Jimmy, who thinks Davis is the killer, and gets drugged up bad for it.  That drugging up doesn’t help Jimmy convince Chloe of what’s going on, and either due to the pills he’s starting to pop more than regularly or his own insecurities, wants to not be married to Chloe anymore.  Sniff.

Oh, Chloe, can you make things worse somehow?  Not to spoil what’s coming up here in this round of minicaps, but the short answer is “yes”… Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 8, Eps. 13-16

24 Jul
The Smallville season 8 minicaps is happy to see Lana again, but really concerned with her state of mind after what happens here.

The Smallville season 8 minicaps is happy to see Lana again, but really concerned with her state of mind after what happens here.

Stewart here…

 Chloe has been infected by Brainiac, and after her wedding gets crashed by Davis as a giant rock monster, that illness has to finally be dealt with by Clark (with some help of some 31st century heroes).  Before Chloe gets downgraded from her Brainiac powers, she gets in touch with Davis about that pesky thing where he’s a kryptonian super weapon and meant to destroy Clark and humanity.  Add to that, Jimmy’s been hospitalized because of Davis’ rampage, and Lana has reappeared in town.  A lot of stuff for Clark to handle in this round of minicaps, especially with Lex being alive and not so well.  So, let’s jump in… Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 8, Eps. 9-12

18 Jul
The Smallville season 8 minicaps is trying to slim down for Chloe and Jimmy's wedding.  Either that, or buy a new suit.

The Smallville season 8 minicaps is trying to slim down for Chloe and Jimmy’s wedding.  Either that, or buy a new suit.

Stewart here…

Clark’s starting to become a hero (if in secret) around Metropolis, and that’s bound to get some attention for the nervous Mr. Kent.  But he embraces it, and probably good timing too because things in town are getting weird.  Chloe has started to become creepy super-genius, Tess is getting really interested in Lex’s obsession with kryptonian stuff, and Davis has found out he might be a kryptonian WMD whose meant to lay waste to Earth.  Plus, Lois is totally not interested in him.  What?  She isn’t! Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 8, Eps. 5-8

12 Jul
The Smallville season 8 minicaps spends more time in Metropolis these days.  It's not Smallville's fault.

The Smallville season 8 minicaps spends more time in Metropolis these days.  It’s not Smallville’s fault.

Stewart here…

Clark has managed to escape the wreckage of the Fortress (whether Lex did as well is another mystery) and set out on the next phase of his life: without Lana and working as a reporter for the Daily Planet alongside Lois.  But he also has a new boss in new Luthorcorp boss Tess Mercer, who has inherited Lex’s tendency to get involved in sinister alien stuff.  Chloe and Jimmy get engaged, and we meet a possibly new friend in EMT Davis Bloome, who spends his time between saving lives and waking up naked in alleyways.  I’m sure the latter part of that’s just a phase he’s going through.  Anyhoo… Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 8, Eps. 1-4

2 Jul
Smallville season 8 minicaps: now with 80% less Lex and Lana.

Smallville season 8 minicaps: now with 80% less Lex and Lana.

Stewart here…

The big deal-y-o last season is Lex became all out evil by killing his dad, and now his search for the Traveler from another world leading him to the Fortress and Clark.  So Lex hooked up some krpytonian trinket to control Clark and it brought the entire Fortress down on both of them.  Meantime, Chloe is unable to accept Jimmy’s marriage proposal on account of some government agents arresting her, and Lana has decided to leave Clark and get out of Smallville (and considering she survived being turned into some zombie, maybe that’s not a bad idea).  So, let’s go… Continue reading

SMALLVILLE Minicaps / Season 7, Eps. 17-20 and Season Seven Highlights

24 Jun
The Smallville season 7 minicaps would like to apologize if you don't like these last few episodes.  It was the Writer's Strike that did that.

The Smallville season 7 minicaps would like to apologize if you don’t like these last few episodes. It was the Writer’s Strike that did that.

Stewart here…

Let’s just get the big news out of the way: LIONEL WAS KILLED BY LEX!  Lionel and some of his high-society buddies were involved in a group called Veritas, who worshipped a “Traveler” from space (hint, hint) and now Lex has turned to patricide to find out the identity of this “traveler”.  Meanwhile, said “Traveler” Clark Kent loses two women in his life when Lana is left comatose by Brainiac and Kara leaves with Brainiac to who-knows-where save Lana.  Oh, and Lana’s is STILL zombified, so so much for that agreement. Continue reading