An Ode to Brandon Routh

6 Mar

As his run on Legends of Tomorrow comes to an end, it seems appropriate to take a few minutes and appreciate all that is Brandon Routh as he flies off to the next endeavor. I, personally, will miss his adorable sweetness and charm on the show, but am looking forward to whatever he does next.

Rumors seem to be circulating that a series continuing his recent return to “Superman” is possible… but I think that’s unlikely because the CW has already greenlit the Superman and Lois series. But hey… anything’s possible, right?

Let’s start with the fact that Brandon is a genuinely caring and compassionate guy. I mean, you can follow him online and see that he cares about this country, this planet, his fans, his family… but having had the chance to chat with him a few times… a) in that moment, you feel like you are the only important thing and b) when I shared that I worked with prison inmates who were watching Superman Returns therapeutically and explained how to him, the first thing he said was “can I send them something?” He then spent a solid 5 minutes thinking of the right message.

“Wishing you all well. You are all capable and worthy of change.”

The autograph is still up on the wall in my office. And every new inmate on my caseload hears the story of it and lights up… Superman was thinking of them.

My mother got the chance to say hello at our last meeting and he made her feel like a million bucks.

So… don’t take it from me… there are thousands of stories like this out there, I am sure.

Next up, I think… how many people can say they’ve been in multiple comic book related productions? Well I googled it- and though the consensus is lacking, it appears to be around 5 actors with the same or more performances in comic related pieces. Obviously, we know about Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow (and their sister shows), Superman Returns, but there’s also Scott Pilgrim and Dylan Dog. The latter is underrated in my opinion, by the way, and I wish there’d been a follow up. (Hey, Brandon… let’s talk to Netflix about that, ok?)

I follow Brandon on social media, and yeah that is a persona because no one is 100% really real on social media especially not celebs but… I really like who Brandon Routh the Social Media celebrity is. I won’t get into his politics, but if you know them you know they match my own, but what I like is that he doesn’t just talk about stuff- he does stuff. Marching, speaking at events, putting actions behind his words. I respect that. It means a lot to me to see someone whose work I respect and enjoy also being a person that I respect (I have had to stop watching some things because the star was actually against everything I am and believe in… and it sucks). It’s really nice to see someone who isn’t just talking the talk but walking the walk.

Not all heroes wear capes

I also like that Brandon shares some of the things he does to be healthy. Without making you feel bad if you don’t try it and love it. It’s like he wants you to know, but leaves it up to you if you want to explore. No pressure sharing. But he gets so excited about things. I’ve seen him giggly explain the greatness of BulletProof Coffee at conventions. Though I won’t mess with my coffee for anything, the glee almost made me give it a try. But I don’t feel bad that I haven’t, either.

I know that there are lots of things that could be drawing my attention but I would really like to hear from others about what they love about Brandon.

So, here’s to you, Mr. Routh. Thank you for giving Ray life and being a delight. Keep it up. Hope I get a chance to say hello again.







It would be rather uncouth
to not write a Legends of Tomorrow farewell to Brandon Routh.
From Superman to Ray Palmer,
He’s played superheroes with the honor
and fights for great causes and truth.


One Response to “An Ode to Brandon Routh”


  1. I spent some time Inside of You | NerdLush - August 29, 2022

    […] terrified me and made me so grateful for everything. Brandon Routh (whom followers of this page know that I adore, for many reasons) spoke about the dark places he went to after Superman Returns didn’t provide return of his […]

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